- Multinationals -
Re: Soy spins
Posted by: forceps ( for steps ) on December 14, 1997 at 14:14:21:
In Reply to: Soy spins posted by Rocky on December 14, 1997 at 14:00:10:

: I do believe, though, that both soybeans and McD’s food are perfectly healthy when consumed in moderation. : Obviously if one were to eat 3 meals a day at McD’s 365 days a year then it wouldn’t be great for your health. : Obviously too, if one were to eat just soybeans 3 times a day every day of the year then the same would apply.The point here is that McD's try to say (without expressly stating it because they know they are legally bound not to - eg they had to pull an advertising campaign that did say as much in the states) that their food is balanced diet, that it is a complete way of life et al - no one not even your vegan extremists would say that soy bean for brekkie, afternoon and dinner is a balanced diet ... so your balanced argument is not really that is it?

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