- Multinationals -
Two In Prison For Robbing Fast Food Chains
Posted by: Release Prisoners ( USA ) on February 06, 19100 at 19:44:31:

http://www.e-thepeople.com/affiliates/national/index.cfm?PC=PETFV1&PETID=322895 (make sure to get both lines in when you click) This is a request that Governor Sundquist of Tennessee pardon a man many believe innocent of murder who admits he robbed a Wendy's. Some are requesting that Dave Thomas of Wendy's be contacted .. that he request clemency. http://www.wendy's.com http://www.e-thepeople.com/affiliates/national/index.cfm?PC=PETFV1&PETID=321307 This is someone held in jail in Arkansas for many years ago having robbed a Taco Bell with a toygun. (Please contact Taco Bell about it to ask for release: 1 800 TACO BELL)

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