- Multinationals -
Rupudiate action Union Carbide in Bhopal
Posted by: Jobson ( nihil, Osasco- São Paulo - Brasil ) on January 29, 19100 at 12:37:48:

Prezados Gentlemen: We are haunted that when breaching if a new century men who are for a moment and for one some special circunstance the front of companies, industrias, at last in situations who can dalguma form establish day-by-day of other men, do not sensetize with the life human being, with the misery human being, who comes occurring thanks to immoral and unquestionedly worthless action to all and any form of intelligence. We repudiate the behavior of the Union Carbide in Bhopal and the little rescue, resolution of the problems created by the professional inefficiency, that in this new world that points in the horizon it will not have place amongst the Nations of the Planet - Let us say not to the disrespect to the land, the seas, rivers, to the forests, to the fauna, at last NOT To the INHUMAN DISRESPECT the LIFE Of the PLANET there; NOT TO THE INCONSEQUENTE PRODUCTION OF TRASH

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