: : La comida basura nos invade. Los contratos basura nos invaden. Los postcapitalistas basuras nos invaden. Es hora de tirar la basura.: Anyone with a translation ???
No translation, but I see an artical in todays' Boston Globe (cover of the Health/Science section) called 'The Greening of McDonald's'. They claim to have reduced waste by 30% since 1990. They sure are not going to save the planet, but are they as bad as the small time single operation restaurant that uses more materials, packaging and has little incentive to 'go green'?
McSpotlight: Meat is the second-greatest drain on the planet; any corporation which promotes a diet high in meat cannot reasonably be called 'green' without watering the definition of 'green' down a long way. McDonald's has also testified in court that 'green' promises they made on McFact cards were not kept in reality.