- Multinationals -
If there is a demand in place for anything
Posted by: robert smoo ( Australia ) on January 24, 19100 at 09:49:29:
In Reply to: Humans have no right to inflict pain on others posted by AnimalsHaveRights on January 25, 1999 at 12:07:08:

Who was blamed for the death of the Princess Diana? The paparatsi, who were the paparatsi driven by?, the people, who blamed the paparatsi?, the people. If there is a demand in place for anything, whether it be, food or safe sanatary products, it shall be provided to the public, at the cheapest long term price for the provider. And usually with no regard to animal rights.If every person stopped eating their meat, and used products that werent tested on animals, i think they would stop being inhumanely treated and killed.

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