- Multinationals -
Contact a lawyer or a free legal clinic
Posted by: Roxanne Cook ( none, USA ) on January 19, 19100 at 16:21:17:
In Reply to: You're entitled by law to workers' compensation posted by MDG on January 10, 19100 at 12:14:41:

:I am only entitled if I have a job to go back to which I don't. Yes, workman's compensation will pay for all of my injury bills, however, they won't pay a salary as I have no job to go back to. Thank you for answering me... You are entitled by workers compensation law to compensation for injuries sustained on the job. Contact a lawyer or a free legal clinic (local law schools have these, or ask to speak with a labor law professor for a reference) and call your state attorney general's office for advice AND action. Good luck.

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