- Multinationals -
I positively agree with the comment above.
Posted by: A.H. ( Canada ) on January 14, 19100 at 11:16:39:
In Reply to: economic terrorism posted by john o'connor on January 21, 1999 at 10:32:27:

: i found it extremely amusing that multinationals use every form of blackmail possible and that the press throughout the world refuse to use the proper terminology. i utilize the term economic terrorism to denote such pathetic behaviour. I positively agree with the comment above. However, I do not find the press' behaviour "pathetic", rather I find it appalling that these so-called journalists have bought every piece of propaganda that the government and corporations have fed them. You are quite right, my friend, we are being attacked from all angles by multinationals, financial institutions and yes, even the governments that we trust. I wait for the time when revolution will come and the captalist fat cats are overthrown.

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