- Multinationals -
Never met any tyrants hey?
Posted by: Anna ( Hungry Jacks, Australia ) on January 10, 19100 at 12:13:17:
In Reply to: In my time with Hungry Jacks posted by Dan Rose on December 30, 1999 at 11:16:40:

Well, aren't you lucky my dear boy? I'm guessing you are male. Could be Danielle. Never met any tyrants hey? I guess that's because they get fired after mucking up at our store. I have a question. Did you do counter service at your store? If you were just a Burger room boy then you have no idea. No idea at all. If there is a great time mounting up on Drive-thru who gets blamed for the delay? Even though the money and the drinks are gone in under ten seconds? Why is there a wait on burgers? Oh no it couldn't be that if the burger room crew who are making them are so slow it is almost like they are going backwards could it? Of course not. No. The reason the burgers aren't up is because you aren't repeating them every twenty seconds. Yes that's it. Even though you are the only one working Drive-thru and have had to take the order, the money and pour the drinks. Even though there are two or three people making the one burger. You. Single drive-thru you gets frowned upon for the delay. When I complained about the manager who "ripped people to shreds" I meant "ripped front counter girls to shreds". Never a raised voice to the burger room boys. Ever. The managers are always on about teamwork. If it is quick service. Hooray team! Good on everyone. If it is slow. Bad girls. What are you doing? Drive-thru should be faster. Get your act together. Listen. I am not knocking Hungry Jacks. I like the work and the crew. Even our new district manager is nice. I even like our rundown rustic store. I just wish that we could realise that we all have to work together to achieve fast, accurate service instead of the onus being on the front counter servers.

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