- Multinationals -
Sam Walton is probably spinning in his grave!
Posted by: Bonnie ( USA ) on January 10, 19100 at 10:50:36:
In Reply to: Sam Walston posted by Ocean on December 08, 1999 at 11:08:08:

: I think alot of people really need to take a good hard look at Wal-Mart : and there so called record, I have worked for Wal-Mart Warehouse and I have always been told "Man Sam would roll over in his grave if he seen how his company was being ran today" Has anyone ever done any research as to the Company when Sam Was still Living, and the way the Company is being ran today??You are exactly right, Sam Walton is probably spinning in his grave! The only research you need to do is shop in a Walmart today and compare it to the Walmart you used to shop in when Sam Walton was alive. The people working in the checkout seem to be brain dead and pissed off that you even checked out in their line and management has never even heard of "customer service". Sam would always come into one of his stores unannounced and even start sacking merchandise at the checkout. You don't see any other family members of the Walton empire doing that, do you?

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