- Multinationals -True.Wal Mart Gets rid of older loyal workers!
In responce to message, Wal Mart Gets Rid Of Loyal Older Workers. I have found this to be true. Wal Mart says they keep the Good People.. The ones that don't miss any time. That never call off. Bullshit! If you don't Kiss the Ass of every manager and Assistant Manager that walks through the Wal Mart door, your no good too them. Wal Mart says they have got to stop Associate turnover. Wal Mart could care less who quits. I know what I am talking about. I to have been with Wal Mart a long time, and I am hanging on so I can up my Profit Sharing a bit more. But I am hanging by a thread. I hate it, and when I find something better I am leaving. If I don't get fired before hand. My message to anyone seeking employment. Don't get hired at Wal Mart! Your better off picking peanuts! ![]()