- Multinationals -
the extremely high level of ignorance towards this social injustice.
Posted by: Jordon Beenen ( Canada ) on December 09, 1999 at 10:51:56:
In Reply to: NIKE using CHILD LABOUR posted by Li on March 05, 1999 at 18:07:28:

I fully and completley agree with the statement that was made. Huge and multinational corporations that include the likes of Adidas, Reebok and especially Nike have horrid labour practices as well as unfair wages. In 1996 Nike made billions of dollars in net profit and they can afford to line the pockets of such big name sports stars as Tiger Woods and Micheal Jordan, who do nothing for the company except provide some endorsement. If Nike was to take one endorsement deal away from one of the following sports figures they would surely have enough to set up numerous safe plants and hire of-age workers to produce their product. Another thing that concerns me about this problem is the extremely high level of ignorance towards this social injustice. Many of the people that I talk to on a frequent basis about this are not shocked to hear about this nor do they even care. These are the people who are continuing to allow Phil Knight to bring home that seven figure pay cheque each year. I say that for any of this to stop we are all going to have to stop thinking that this does not happen and stop turning a blind eye when we are confronted with it. Politicians from behind lecturns preach that they are appauled by child labour and yet the lack of action brought forth on this issue is sickening. We should all look at it as though or brothers, sisters, sons or daughters were the ones doing this work, how popular would these products be around us then? However there is no one simple solution that will make this problem go away, no matter how much I wish there was. We can start however by demanding action and by using our choice in consumerism to not buy Nike and other such products. DOWN WITH CHILD LABOUR!!! LET KIDS BE KIDS : I think all these multinational companies are really dodgy. One such company is Nike. They exploit so many people especially in Asia. It is totally wrong and it is blatantly obvious that their aim is to make as much money as possible no matter what.: I still don't own a pair of Nike's and don't intend to until they reform their policies on child labour. This "Debating Room" is very interesting. I've never come across this type of room before and hope to come back to it. : Nike's publicity campaign almost seems brainwashing at times. They give off this "cool" image. I prefer to see through that into the real world where people do more than just play sport. Their ads don't appeal to me. I wish people could see through their aim. : -- : McSpotlight: Try the Boycott Nike home page.

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