- Multinationals -I believe that aspartame is poison to many of usIn Reply to: ASPERTAME and sickness!!!!! posted by Caron Moody on April 01, 1999 at 18:49:22:
It is true that not all smokers die of lung cancer. It is also true that not everyone who consumes aspartame will develope aspartame disease. BUT, those of us with a sensitivity to aspartame can & do develope many of the symptoms listed. I am a true believer of aspartame disease, as I have suffered from accute symptoms that "just dissappeared" when I stopped using aspartame. I not only drank diet cola, but used Nutrasweet in the 3-4 cups of coffee I drank everyday. I began having visual auras shortly after my morning cup of coffee. I didn't know what they were & was scared out of my wits. I went to the doctor several times during these episodes so he could look in my eyes. I thought he could diagnose me if I was checked during one of the episodes. I finally figured out that when I stopped using Nutrasweet, the symptoms went away. I tried Nutrasweet a month later, & had another attack. I haven't used any products with Nutrasweet for over 6 yrs & have remained symptom free. I only wish I had known sooner, since I also developed short term memory loss after I began using Nutrasweet. That problem never went completely away, although it is not as bad as when I was using Nutrasweet. There are other symptoms that I also still have, the worst being migraine headaches, which also developed during my "using times". I believe that aspartame is poison to many of us, it is just a matter of time, since everyone's threshold is different. Would you want your pilot, or schoolbus driver to use this product? ![]() None.