- Multinationals -
Wal-mart!! getting rid of the old and loyal Employees
Posted by: Kathy G on August 31, 1999 at 13:36:28:

My Father a wonderful man has worked for walmart (SAMS) for 16 years. He has ben a general manager for 10 of those years. Moving wherever they would send him... Doing what they would tell him.... Very loyal to his employees, very loved, never had a bad evaluation..... All of the sudden on his 60th birthday BOOM! Demotion- reason? Mistakes in paperwork.... Something along those lines. He was given a chance to be demoted and move to another city or quit. He chose the demotion because he had 4 years until his retirement... EGO- Gone... PRIDE- Gone.. employees told not to ask questions or they would be terminated. My father moved, my mother and 6 yr old adopted sister from foster care stayed to sell house. 6 months later they were able to join my dad, bought a house, settled, they ask if he will move agin if they promote him back to general manager. He tells them he just wants to ride it out as an asst. until retirement because of his family. GUESS WHAT? They fired on his 61st birthday!!! 2 weeks after wanting to promote him WHY? Bad judgement on paperwork!!!! EGO-GONE, PRIDE- GONE, INSURANCE-GONE Wal- Mart STILL MAKING MONEY AND SAVING ON YOUNGER MANAGERS!!

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