- Multinationals -
I disagree with Kathy - Big Time!
Posted by: Megan on August 28, 1999 at 10:32:43:
In Reply to: You should know better. posted by No Pam, You should know Better! on August 20, 1999 at 17:28:05:

Kathy, I had my dog for a long time before I bought Febreeze. He goes to the vet for his health checkups regularly and is a very healthy dog. I bought Febreeze and sprayed it around the house to get rid of my "pet" smell. Then, not long after spraying, I noticed that my dog's snout looked a little red under his white hair. Then I noticed a small bump on the top of his head. Then I called to my husband to come and see if maybe he thought a tic had bitten our dog. Not one minute later after turning my head for a moment and then looking back at my dog, I saw that these "bumps" had spread all over his face and head and body.I called the vet emergency clinic since it was after our vet's business hours. I described what had happened and they asked if I had tried to use any new products around the house. I said the only new product I could think of was Febreeze. They had me immediately bring in my dog. They charged me $150.00 for the visit and medication to give him. Thanks to a cheap bottle of Febreeze I had to pay this outrageous vet bill. My dog suffered all night long; scratching himself and wining in pain. I threw Febreeze away that night. The dog has never had another problem since getting rid of Febreeze. I told my vet about the product and he told me that he was happy that I decided to throw Febreeze out. He had similar cases come in with the same symptoms of my dog and their owners had Febreeze use in common. Unless you have seen your own pet go through this ordeal, I suggest you really listen to the owners who have been through this Febreeze mess. I don't want to come across as rude. . .I just want people to take in the fact that Febreeze is truly a dangerous product to use around pets. I speak from personal experience.

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