- Multinationals -
We have no right to kill and maim animals for research purposes
Posted by: Mack on August 18, 1999 at 15:12:31:
In Reply to: By what rights do we humans TORTURE other animals posted by Dawn on April 23, 1998 at 09:48:02:

: : : : I belive that animal testing is good for many reasons. : : : 1: We have so many products that have been tested on animals could we get a long with out them? : : : 2: There has many lives saved from animal testing. The information that we have gained from animal testing is so great. : : : 3: If we would not test on animals there would be a overpopulation of animals. You will say that we can hunt them but if that happened wouldn't we have more deaths from shooting. : : : So what do you think is animal testing still bad well if you think so I think that it is good. Think of it this way the animals are helping us to live longer. : : Hannah Taylor ::If you are not an avid believer in god then you may not agree that god created all animals, but you have to agree that we have all been put on this planet together. We have no right to kill and maim animals for research purposes when we have other alternatives. I have found from research that tests that are done on animals very rarely have any relevance to human beings. People continuosly think up stupid ideas, for example, testing flame retardant pyjamas for little children, and then testing them ion animals. People are willing to donate their tissue and organs after their death, to medical research. While it may not be the most desirable way to go it is an effective alternative to animal testing.

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