- Multinationals -
Need of advice:
Posted by: Kate Randall ( self, USA ) on August 17, 1999 at 00:41:15:

Hello! For about two years i have been working with a group of neurologists to find out what is wrong with me. I have undergone several MRI's, EEG's and even a few spinal taps to diagnose what I might have. Through my own research I have come across pieces abput aspertame toxicity and wonder if that is what is wrong. I DRINK A TON OF DIET COKE..and have for several years. My symptoms are very present muscle twitching and jerking......does this sound famliiar to anyone out there? Most web pages I have found do not mention those symptoms specifically. I can be reached at acadhope@juno.com and would love to chat with someone!Thank you! Kate Randall:)

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