- Multinationals -
Boycott Proctor & Gamble
Posted by: Trista ( usa ) on July 22, 1999 at 11:55:48:

My heart goes out to the millions of animals who have live a short life filled with nothing but severe torture and endless suffering. A miserable existence marked only by pain until their bodies can no longer live through another day, and one final breath releases them to the only possible freedom. We need to stop the unecessary tests conducted by the inhumane Proctor&Gamble. You may be thinking that nothing you do can alter methods of testing, but then again, it only took one person to want to end slavery, and look at us now. People are free live and to choose, but for animals, the freedom to live is judged upon humans who believe money is far more important than the lives of those who suffer. There are many alternatives to animal testing but Proctor&Gamble refuses to stop torturing animals. I am 18 yrs. old and I have been using cruelty-free products for over 2 years now and because of that, P&G lost thousands of dollars in sales, (It may sound exaggerated but you'd be surprised how much detergent, shampoos, food, fragrences, etc. add up to) Try cruelty-free products and send your P&G items back demanding a refund because you will not contribute to the agony of innocent beings. Your help is greatly needed b those who cannot fight for themselves. For more info on labs and other issues, and what you can do to help write to: Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) 501 Front St. Norfolk, Va. 23510 Thank you for your time and write to me with any comments or questions at cK1_95240@webtv.net Trista

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