- Multinationals -greedy world with greedy peopleIn Reply to: Animal testing for the polio vaccine did not work. posted by Anony Mous on November 23, 1998 at 20:15:16:
Humans and animals must work together to save this world ,? are you serious?. You can't see the obvious dangers in using animal tissues in medical science? Anyone, scientist or not, must see that. If they want to save the world from disease,(as if that is possible given the pollution problems,) they should be using plant specimens, not animal.Why put people in danger? Why cut corners? Well thats simple sweetie money, money, money, recognition, did I happen to mention money? Think about it ,most people dont't want the job of making medicine from bloody animal parts,and would'nt know how! It would be alot easier if our medicine was of plant derivatives but there is no profit there if you can grow it yourself.Even importing plants from other continents would be cheaper. It is all about control and money. It's a greedy world with greedy people. ![]() None.