- Multinationals -
A mistake to me implies a one-off regrettable incident
Posted by: ali ( UK ) on July 06, 1999 at 12:38:57:
In Reply to: The more you look into Nestlé the more sick you feel about them. posted by Thop Hesketh-Roberts on June 01, 1998 at 18:19:15:

A mistake to me implies a one-off regrettable incident where harm was not intended NOT the systematic and widespread violations of the 1981 World Health Organisation Code on the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes which Nestlé are guilty of. Anyone who wants to know more about how Nestlé market their infant formulas unethically should visit Baby Milk Action's site. They co-ordinate the international boycott. Find them at http://www.babymilkaction.org

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