- Multinationals -
Do your research.
Posted by: KB on June 17, 1999 at 13:39:48:
In Reply to: No symptons yet posted by Jim Frandsen on May 11, 1999 at 07:23:35:

About the follow-ups to Aspertame and illness. For those of you who are skeptical, I keep seeing I I I in your disbelief. "I have been using it for years and there is nothing wrong with me." "I am 50 and blah blah blah" This info does not pertain to you. There are genuinely many people who have intolerences to many things, aspertame being one of them. It has long been known that aspertame affects people who have musculoskeletal disorders. It does not cause it, but it agrivates it in a very severe way. Do your research. There are no hoaxes, just many people wanting to aleviate their pain.

Follow Ups: