- Multinationals -
They don't care...
Posted by: no name ( usa, not important ) on May 25, 1999 at 11:26:34:

I agree and disagree with you. I have work for wal-mart for 3 yrs. now. I like working there, but i have to say.. they say they are family orintated but in all reallaity, they are NOT, they could care less.. they don't care if if have kids or not. when they want you to work it's your family or them!! That makes me MAD!!! I bet Sam has turn over in his grave many times because of everything that they have did since he died!! David Glass is a money hungry S.O.B. The money that they make,.. they could at least pay us better!! Because if it was'nt for us p-ons the company would go no-where, But David Glass and all the office people get paid big bucks for setting on there ASS!!! while us little p-ons do all the work. I know,, why don't i quit. like i said before i do like my job. I just wish that they would live up to what they tell us!! well i could go on but i won't. thank you for hearing me out. No Name

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