- Multinationals -
I have suffered from memory loss
Posted by: Dale Wamsley ( USA ) on May 12, 1999 at 14:16:05:
In Reply to: No symptons yet posted by Jim Frandsen on May 11, 1999 at 07:23:35:

: I've been using products containing apertame for years. I'm over 50 now. No long term memory loss, no alzheimer's. I do have minor aches (probably arthritis) occasionally. I think I'm inclined to agree with Caron Moody. I guess I'll keep using it & hope for the best. I had something else to add, but I forget what it was. Since I started drinking Diet sodas with nutrasweet in htem for over the last 5 years I have suffered from memory loss and have trouble recalling conversations that occurred the very same day. I have been wondering if something happened to me in the military but have now come to believe I suffer from some type of damage from the aspartame. I am also addicted to the stuff and if I don't drink at least 6 to 7 cans of soda a day I get agitated and get severe headaches.

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