- McSpotlight -
An Armed robbery (with McS comment for poster)
Posted by: Don't want to say ( Aren't all maccas in their own world? ) on December 27, 1997 at 11:46:33:
Fairly recently, our frontcounter was the centre of an attempted armed robbery with a gun. The worker taking orders on frontcounter was threatened, and tried to get the money out the register (but couldn't because those macdonalds managers don't want staff touching their money except when reaping a profit for the macdonalds corporation, and keep the register locked ie theyonly work when an order is placed). Anyway, the bloke ran away, and the crewperson was distraught - he was going to quit. Do you think that our Macdonalds restaurant reported the incident? No! Why not, you ask? Well I guess they didn't want a black mark on their book (what a joke).They say macdonalds has a safe working environment. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP ---------------- McSpotlight adds: We can neither verify nor refute this claim but would call on the poster of this message to consider carefully future postings on this subject and what course of action they choose if this report is true. We will not post/ accept messages which are gossip and hearsay as this has very little to do with debate and/ or a critique of the fast-food industry that McD's is a part of. However, this posting 'could' be a report of a serious incident that the poster should consider carefully. Since the poster has left no eMail, we hope you read this addendum and pause for thought.
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