> This web-page illustrates why democracy can never work. If small minded,
> tree hugging, communist simpletons like this are allowed to vote, it explains
> why the largest growing demographic in the United States is the prison
> population.For those of you who don't understand the correlation, it should be
explained that casting a ballot while holding anti-capitalist beliefs
is now a crime punishable by imprisonment in the USA.
> I would be incredibly surprised to learn that anyone involved in this
> socialist propaganda will ever accomplish anything significant with their
> wasted time on this planet.
You know, significant stuff--like devoting the precious hours of your
life to figuring out ways to "climb the corporate ladder"; or inventing
more shoddy, overpriced merchandise to sell to suckers in the free
market; or scheming to get rid of more employees while increasing the
company's profit margin.
> The creators of this page are the same types of hypocrites who refuse to eat
> beef but love to buy leather moccasins.
The critics of this page are the same type of hypocrites who rail
against socialism but drive their cars on state-funded roads, enjoy
working a 40-hour week courtesy of the trade union movement, and don't
bother to complain when "big government" gives away millions to
corporations in the form of grants, subsidies and tax breaks.