- Kids -I just finished a report on this matterIn Reply to: high school dropouts posted by Casee, Jaime, Jason, Lucus on April 07, 1997 at 21:28:36:
I just finished a report on this matter and the basic idea of my report was to make school attendance unmandatory so that students could drop out at any time for whatever reason. If they wanted to quit public school and go to homeschool then they could if they wanted. If they wanted to quit just to quit they could, but they would have to work because they would be inelligible to receive any welfare. The only kind of job that would be open for these people would be Factory work I mean real hard labor intensive jobs in coal mines and things of that nature. That way the people who go through school are rewarded with a better education, and could go to college for free with the tax money that would not be going towards wellfare for the people who drop out. This method would certainly cause an increase in school attendance when people who would consider dropping out see how tough the dropouts have it and that if they stay in school they could make something of themselves and have a much easier job in a nice comfy office where they get paid much more money. And if the dropouts realize the error of their ways there is always the GED for them to take to get back on track and get the education they need while not hindering class productivity at a time in their lives when school is not important to them for whatever reason. ![]() None.