- Kids -
Sorry about your dilemma.
Posted by: Rose ( USA ) on August 19, 1998 at 09:30:06:
In Reply to: RESPONSE TO LETTER RE: DEADBEAT DADS posted by CARMELA on December 19, 1997 at 05:44:06:

Sorry about your dilemma. There's a lot of us women out there who know that it's not fair what's happening with this system. A food pantry may help you, hopefully, I'm not too late with my message (year later). I'm a mother of four year old triplets, two boys, one girl. My ex- husband-to-be, is irresponsible, only cares about his mother and family overseas, does not give a damn about the one he created, says they are not really his children and that I have two days to leave. I've already told the children what to expect and that we're going on a seminar for housing, hopefully, they'll keep me at a shelter until I can find a job, get credit, and a mobile home. I'm 36, have no living relatives, no assets, am on public assistance. Was fired 2 weeks before my maternity leave was up after working for the company for 20 years, and lost everything, except the ex-husband with all the whining and complaints. I am a survivor or sexual abuse, 9 my sister's husband was screwing around and I let the family know 20 years later. My father passed away 1 year ago from cancer, my mother is dead to me, unable to help, too old and senile. I am really all my kids have, and there's nothing that will stop me from bringing them up the right way, even though their father is an abuser, physically and emotionally. There's a pattern, I understand, and I am yet to tell my caseworker. -- McSpotlight: Look, much as we sympathise, this really isn't the place for these posts. There are specific Web sites set up; go and visit them, as they are more likely to be able to help you.

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