: I keep seeing those Mulan commercials promoting their new szechuan sauce and mcnuggest coming in chinese take-out containers..: Well..i think that is not the kind of message I would like my nephews and nieces to see.
: Chinese people do not eat on a low table, sitting on the floor. That is a Japanese tradition. Most of my friends who are martial artists do not make lame, stupid karate chop noises and swooshes. And when the dumb clown does it too, well.. it gets copied by the kids.
: Anyways, have any of you noticed that McDonald's does not have any contact link or email link on their website? Neither does Disney (sorry, but an asian woman cutting her hair w/ slanty eyes will NOT look like a man under any circumstances.. or what? Us asian men are stupid enough to fall for that? Or maybe we don't mind going out w/ women that look like guys? :P)
: --
: McSpotlight: Our sympathies to you. Cultural imperialism is very rarely subtle in cases like these. Maybe if people realised that we are all the same under the skin such practices would die out.
I agree. And that movie about that elephant with the big ears. Do they really expect us to believe an elephant could fly? Or how about Peter Pan. I personally don't want my children imagining a world full of pirates and pixies.
On a more serious note-----did the personification of white European males in Disney's Pocahantas bother you in any way, shape or form?