- Kids -Goals 2000 and Outcome Based EducationIn Reply to: looking for information posted by erika on January 24, 19100 at 17:54:05:
Corporate intrusion? How can they intrude on their own turf? The public school is, has always been, and always will be a corporate run institution. In the States, at least, it was design specifically to secure private corporate powers and that's essentially what it has been doing with great success ever since, even to the exclusion of teaching us how to read. Eample: In the US, the richest country in the world, 40% of highschool seniors are functionally illiterate after 12 years of "reading". Its not an accident. Its by design - a corporate controlled design. Their next step is Goals 2000 and Outcome Based Education - programs designed to garauntee Corporate USA the wage slaves they'll need for the next 100 years (perhaps forever). ![]()