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Re: McSweat in Vietnam for SIX CENTS AN HOUR-while a meal costs 70 cents!

Posted by: mas ( US ) on February 04, 1998 at 09:49:25:

In Reply to: McSweat in Vietnam for SIX CENTS AN HOUR-while a meal costs 70 cents! posted by Luke Kuhn on July 09, 1997 at 21:19:31:

: : : As far as MDs use of sweat shops for a fast buck... this is where you show your short-sightedness in economics. MDs is at a level of high scrutiny and makes enough on everything else they produce to avoid taking on the international liability of known forced labor manufacturing in China. I am not saying that this could not happen. Big business never surprises me, but I get tired of people like yourself making conslusions with little or no data.

: The latest sweatshop connected to McDeath is in Vietnam, where workers are being paid just six cents U>S. an hour while a basic rice meal costs up to 70 cents U.S.-in other words, if you bring a bag lunch, you lose money. There also was an incident where acetone fumes spread through the shop, sickened 200 workers, and could have blown the whole factory up because someone was too cheap to install a ventilation system! Acetone always carries warnings about "use with adequate ventilation-vapor extremely flammable."

: If McD's really worried about their high profile, they would still operate in a sweatshop area but would try to be one of the least objectionable in the area-instead of helping promote the "race to the bottom."

i would like to say its not our fault that they want to sit and make toys for six cents a hour shit if they didnt they should get the hell out of there its their life....

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