- Kids -
Stay in school
Posted by: Donna on January 23, 1998 at 19:36:44:
In Reply to: public education... AKA HELL!!!! posted by Sarah Baker on December 08, 1997 at 04:34:43:

Going to High School can be very difficult at times, but it is worth the effort. Sarah, you wrote that you would like to travel and learn about things that way. That may be a good idea, but how would you pay for your travels? School will help you to learn about many things, and this may not seem very important to you right now, but learning how to support yourself is important. Even tents and rice cost money. We all have to do things that are boaring and things that we don't feel like doing. This is just a part of life. However, the more educated a person is, the more choices they will have. When I graduated from High School, I was so sick of school that I didn't want to go to college. Finding a job that would allow me to support myself was not possible. I had to live at home and work at a job that I hated. After a few years, I realized how important education was, and I went to college. Until you are able to take care of and support yourself, you will always live by other's rules. Going to college helped me to have more control over my life. It allowed me to get a better job that I actually like, and to get a place of my own. Hang in there, it will be more than worth it.

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