- Kids -
ANIMAL product
Posted by: Luke Kuhn ( Utopian Anarchist Party, USA ) on December 10, 1997 at 03:14:49:
In Reply to: Every sensible person... posted by Rocky on December 09, 1997 at 18:07:17:

: Vegans, it seems, have set themselves up as the moral crusaders of the dietary world. Much of what is posted by Vegans here has a missionary zeal to it, as if they are the only ones following the path of righteousness. : Many meat-eaters find the kinds of things they say to be both patronising and insulting. (If it is so wrong to kill animals and eat meat, why do so few of the worlds religions as humanitys cradles of morality and ethics not say it is so?) : Because Vegans hold such extreme views, I think it is highly likely that somewhere in the world, in the interests of practising his or her beliefs, a Vegan parent has permanently damaged their child whether by feeding it soy-based infant formula or in some other dietary way. : I sincerely hope you are right: of course, every reasonably balanced person knows that mothers milk is the natural thing for an infant. : But the point I am making, perhaps with a touch of sarcasm, is that it is hypocritical of Vegans to preach about the health risks to children of eating McDonalds or a meat-based diet, when a Vegan diet itself is not without risk. : I do find it a delicious irony though, that the most nutritious food a Vegan mother can feed her newborn baby is actually a meat product... : Perhaps this is where the seeds of humanitys meat-addiction are sown? Techincally, milk is an ANIMAL product, but it is not a MEAT product. a MEAT rpoduct is made from the flesh of DEAD animals, milk comes from a LIVE animal-in this case, the baby's mother. Remember, the baby is not going to chew off the mother's breast, just drink the milk MEANT for his/her consumption-as. Similarily, no animal rights activist would call for denying cow's milk to calves.

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