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No business is perfect, and you need income!
Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, Texas, USA ) on June 21, 1997 at 22:52:51:
In Reply to: How could you work for a corporation like this? posted by Rowan on June 21, 1997 at 04:47:46:

It amazes me the number of accusations thrown at McD's these days. I do not believe that McD's is to blame for the brunt of the world's problems. No business is perfect, and if you were to boycott and refuse to work for every company that has or has had contraversy over a certain action, or actions, you would be broke, starving, on your way to an early death due to lack of food, and you would likely be busted for indecent exposure. You need income, you need food, you need transportation, and you need clothing. I work for a financial institution that shall remain nameless. And God knows there has been, and is, plenty of contraversy regarding the industry that employs me. I am definitely not a fan of the S & L jam of the late 80's. I know that it was a bunch of idiot, and many not exactly legal, business decisions that caused their predicament. And, it was the taxpayer to the rescue! To add insult to injury, the taxpayer gets thanked by being dumped on by many of the banks, as a customer (Some charge $3 fees for the PRIVALEGE of talking to a live teller, and of course most charge a fee for each check paid.). At least the fast food places that are run right care enough for the customer to serve decent food, and appreciate the customer's business. But with many in the banking industry, the bottom line is where it's at, and the hell with everything else. I,m sorry for rambling, and I know I put myself at risk for sounding irrelevent, but to wind everything up, and summarize, I too work for a contraversial industry. But I need my paycheck like everyone else does. By the way, I don't have any complaints regarding my department, and I'm treated well by my superiors. To close, there is nothing wrong with making money: The problem is when any business cares only about profit, and makes no effort to earn it.

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