- Kids -COLLEGE = $$$$$$$
Is it me or is the cost of an education going up. I find it totally bullshit to have to pay over $100,000 over a period of four years to go to a good college. Unlike a lot of you little rich fucks, I have to pay for college my damn self. I joined the army reserves to do this. Yeah it was probably a mistake, but i would rather serve my country, than have my country serve me with the help of welfare. Im trying to write a report on the problems of education, there are too many to write, so I figured cost is a big one. Is it really necessary to charge us all this money for a diploma, yeah you cant get a good paying job without a degree, but i know some dumb mother fuckers who went to college. If any one reads this, especially anyone who dropped out of college, answer me this one question, WOULD YOU GO BACK IF IT WAS FREE??????? ![]() None.