- Kids -Re: high school dropoutsIn Reply to: Re: high school dropouts posted by Jaime, Casee, Jason on April 15, 1997 at 22:30:59:
I have done some extensive research on high school dropouts. If you look into back issues of a newspaper, there should be a recent chart of the lesser amounts of money made by high school dropouts than those who stay in school. Also, there are brochures available from the US Dept. of Education which can explain more fully the downsides to dropping out of high school. To be truly convincing in your argument, you need to base your opinions on fact and statistical evidence. Opinions do not phase those who are interested in dropping out of school. You must have cold, hard, proof, and it is there to be found. The internet, under Yahoo, search topic dropouts AND high school is a good place to begin your research. It is probably very extreme to try to completely stop high school dropouts. You would have fourt-year-olds in the tenth grade. It is more plausible to make regulations, such as age, surrounding dropping out more strict and not as appealing to students. The No Pass No Drive law is one such regulation. Another is the age limit. By checking in an almanac, you can compare the age limit in your state to those of other states. This information should be somewhat helpful, also check out Education Digest back issues and other academic journals on the subject. Infotrac, a CD-Rom based research program, is also very helpful. ![]()