- Kids -
Accuse the system - not the companies
Posted by: Anna ( Sweden ) on October 21, 1999 at 14:47:22:

About the anti-McD's movement among "trendy naturefriends". All the accusations concerning the McD's are probably right - they do damage the nature, they do kill the animals and they do take advantage of childrens never ending interest in small Disney-toys. But this is unfortunately the way we work in capitalism - the one with the best business idea wins, and this time our beloved and hated hamburger chain has found the perfect way of making money. We can't blame McD's or Nestle or Shell only because they are so GOOD in making money - we can only blame the history and our greediness, the begin of the golden age of capitalism. If you found a way to make good profit, you would probably go for it. We are raised that way. What is irriteting is the fact that there are so many people who try to get good concience by accusing multinational corporations for utilazing the nature and animals, when most of the even smaller contemporary companies are doing this, and would do even more if they only could. (I do know the presence of Body Shop and other "green" companies, and I do appreciete the efforts taken by the brittish couple fighting against McDonald's). But the fact that companies are getting bigger and bigger is a "must" in order to survive in the competition - so many smaller firms are being bought by bigger companies. The control of trade and business (in every area) is concentrating in only a few hands, making more big enterprises like the Mc Donalds. This is the evolution of capitalism and to get a rid of the McDonalds we cannot go on standing outside the restaurants screaming. I'm not saying that this wouldn't have any effect at all, but even though the "greens" would win and McD's loose, there are many other companies to come. What is needed is the change of the economical system. Protests and boycots are good, that's the way to do it. I'm only fed up with these trendy activist kids palying saints outside the foxfarm.

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