- Capitalism and Alternatives -
What a strange world we live in.
Posted by: Frenchy on November 10, 1999 at 10:36:21:
In Reply to: France & India posted by Nikhil Jaikumar on November 08, 1999 at 09:20:54:

: The French workweek is 35 hours / week, and the Indian workweek is, I think, 42.5 or something like that. I think 8 hours a week is probably the man about which things fluctuate, because it represents a good, solid, 33.3% chunk of the day. Yeah, 8 hrs if your on the clock. Others may have a little more ooomph. So it isn't unusual for some go getters to put in a much longer day. Please don't get me wrong here; if a guy wants to work a couple of hours a day, terrific. Let him get paid a couple of hours a day. Or were you guys thinking of 8 hrs pay for 2 hrs work? (That reminds me, Tom Ammiano, openly homosexual SF supervisor, has floated an $11.00 minimum wage for all city workers. Not surprisingly, he got some support. He's going to be in a runoff against the incumbent, Willie Brown, a flaming liberal. But compared to Ammiano a reasonable and level headed fellow. The city Republicans endorsed Brown today. What a strange world we live in. Personally I fervently hope that Ammiano wins so that I can watch SF become another Calcutta as a result of Liberal politics.)

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