- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Posted by: Frenchy on November 09, 1999 at 14:36:13:
In Reply to: Then why are these 'Private' initiatives preferable to public ones? posted by Lark on November 08, 1999 at 15:00:43:

: : Private initiatives may not provide 100% solutions, but what does? : Then why are these "Private" initiatives preferable to public ones? Because it doesn't make people wards of the state. Because it doesn't created huge bueracracies whose only functions eventually become to expand their kingdoms employing more bureaucrats. Because it allows people to take responsibility for their lives. The examples that you provided showing why the private answer will not work is more than easily matched by counter examples of Socialisms failures. So, neither method is perfect. On the whole, I'd say only that the private solution is less imperfect than the Socialist solution. And perhaps the only solution is that of Mother Teresa's.

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