- Capitalism and Alternatives -

This is an exceptional post in my opinion

Posted by: Lark on October 29, 1999 at 11:25:07:

In Reply to: With some it's better to break wind posted by bill on October 28, 1999 at 15:53:22:

: : For Christ sake the standard of debate on the capitalist side has took a mad bastard dive, hasn't it?
: -----

: I can sympathize with your feelings, but maybe you expect a little to much from them. We all tend to be a little..erm inflexable when it comes to challenging our strongly held belief systems. Unfortunately It is not so much a problem of reason, understanding, and critical thinking, as it is a problem of ego protection (I am my ideas). It takes a certain effort, circumstance, god only knows what, to begin to challenge the cultural conditioning to which we have all been subjected. Naturally (with the possible exception of Gee at present) the "Defenders" of this dominant culture-system have little to contribute to this board which seeks alternatives. The reason Gee can hang on (with you particularly) IMO, is that his appeal to the "sovereign individual" (his mighty horse) is that it has a certain resonance with anarchist thinking - and by extension, Marx's concept of the "human project" that is, authentic man.

: (keep on a keepin on)

This is an exceptional post in my opinion, the quasi-religious dogmaticism of the capitalists could be described exactly as you have suggested, that they dont see us disagreeing with ideas, ideology, social organisation but themselves their very being, I mean this is the only possible explaination, either that or the harping of two line dogmas/prayers like "Hitler, Stalin, Mao is Socialism, there can be no freedom but the will of the capitalists" is the greatest tidel wave of numbskull fanaticism since Mao's cultural revolution proclaimed Communist Party despotism and violence "True Democracy".

I think the whole thing is a disgrace, it's absolutely not conducive to free politics grounded in tolerance and critical free thought instead of prejudice and the "gang" mentality of vitory and defeat, however it's marked that I'm posting this to a left winger and not one of the hoard.

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