- Capitalism and Alternatives -
The reason for the luddites
Posted by: Patricia Aitken nee Woodworth ( Home, New Zealand ) on October 28, 1999 at 12:19:39:

I was born in Huddersfield [Odinsfield] home of the luddites along with Halifax Yorkshire, listening to the reasons for the luddite rebellion from my father, CREATIVITY thats what it was all about, mass production took away the creative cottage industries and made slaves or robots out of humans, taking away the most precious of human endeavours creative thought which gave meaning to human existence not the religous crap which turned off peoples minds leaving them zombies for so long, with the advent of the next millenium perhaps we can get back to that creative endeavour called thought and not remain slaves or robots to a supernatural being , [just a thought] Patricia Aitken nee woodworth.

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