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Hollywood is number 3 in the world
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on October 26, 1999 at 10:44:57:
In Reply to: The U.S. a European satellite? posted by Mike on October 25, 1999 at 20:56:25:

: What makes you say that the U.S is becoming a European satellite? If anything, the rest of the world is becoming more like the United States. Our propaganda machine -- Hollywood, Madison Avenue advertising, State Department -- is unmatched anywhere. Actually, y'all might be interested to know that Hollywood is not the largest film industry in the world, in terms of output. hasn't been for a long time- right now it's number 3. The biggest film industry is Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and the second biggest is Chennai (formerly Madras) both in India. Of course, they are predominnatly non-English films, but still... -- McSpotlight: And yours truly has appeared as an extra in a film made in Chennai...

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