- Capitalism and Alternatives -
A note
Posted by: Stoller on October 19, 1999 at 19:03:15:
In Reply to: Recycling, reusing, and consuming less posted by Stoller on October 19, 1999 at 17:37:12:

SDF: If [revolution] is not imminent...then the point of discussing utopia and communes is to allow people to explore the relationships of people to each other and to things, i.e. to understand what Marx called "alienation."Now that I think of it, Twin Oaks is alienated from its labor. After all, they're making zillions of hammocks that they don't use and producing tons of tofu that they don't eat. They do so in order to 'trade' with the capitalist world---but on the terms dictated by the capitalists. In order to truly prevent alienated labor, the social model must be large enough to produce everything that it needs. Eh?

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