....but why criticize yourself so much?: :: Qx: Yes, that's what capitalism does to the planet but what makes you think Barry wants catastrophe?
G: I read his post.
Qx: Oh wow! Ae you sure you didn't read into it?
: :: After all, he's not a Bible-thumper who speaks of hellfire and brimstone. He doesn't even make a profit out of this.
: Grow up, Q. If you have a point please let us know what it is. Characterizing my opinions by linking to a web site I've never been to or advocated is character assasination and trivializes everything I have to say. You've done this before and it makes you look
: stupid - not me.
Qx: Stu, if any of us could accelerate your maturation it would be great but if you're so humor-impaired please let us know beforehand.
: : 
: Cool html stuff though. The word or name "gort" has some kind of Celtic background. It is a county in the British Isles among other things. Unfortunately, for any designs you have to disparage my name, "Gort" is a cognate of the dutch name "Vander Hoort" having nothing to do whatsoever with this. It merely means "by the barley" and refers to the fact that my ancestors were barley farmers as far back as can be determined. Truth is, my whole life growing up in L.A. I felt out of place and felt that I was supposed to be a country boy. Do you think 12 generations of barley farming rearrranges one's DNA? I do.
Qx: If you were a barley farmer the world would stay still but again you have become humor-impaired. Now... as far as barley re-arranging one's DNA I would say that that is quite the bit of pseudo-scientific speculation but again there are such transnational agri-businesses such as Monsanto, etc that could help you out in this endeavor. They're the ones to answer your question
: Stuart (Barley Farmer)
Qx: What happened to the propellers?