- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Aussies go share crazy.(No sharing?)
Posted by: septimus ( Aus. ) on October 18, 1999 at 10:53:33:

Well, Australia now has the highest rate (not volume) of share ownership of any country on Earth. What do we think of this folks? Will the world be a better place if every individual owns shares in a private company? This is all linked in to privatisation issues. The reason we have taken the lead is that over the last couple of years the government has busied itself in selling off half of the publically owned (but privately run) telecommunications giant Telstra. This has been very popular with small investors who have bought up big time and squirrelled shares away as a nest egg (beautifully mixd metaphores don't you think?). Have they been duped? Does this mean the end of the world? (Socially speaking)

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