: Excellent thoughts. I feel no attraction to the Socialist/Communist/Green program. Me and millions of others, for the reason's that you list. I don't think that man's make-up, his nature, is built for that.Thats that 'feeling' that its just not natural and not possible, but one needs to go further and explore why it wouldnt bem what would, and has happened, in socialist experiments. socialists are dead set against notions of 'human nature' because its difficult to prove, because humans do so many contradictory things and ofcourse, if true it would make mankind have certain boundaries to the ways in which he coudl naturally exist with others.
: Except for small inconsequential communities such as the Amish and Mennonites and left over Hippy communes who are, forgive me, parasites.
If they are providing for their own lives why are they parasites? Or did you mean they werent providing?