: One can suggest that past performance is no indication of future results as the fine print always says. I'd like to know, however, where better to hang one's hat considering the fact that whole economic systems come and go in as little a span as 72 years, as did the Soviet Union. Perhaps you'd like to see this - a presentation made by a geologist and oil expert to the UK House of Commons on July the 7th 1999.
I quote;
"I think that a price shock around 2001, if not before, from Middle East control is inevitable and will probably trigger a stockmarket crash"
- and what exactly will happen to the accumulated savings of millions then? This is not a warning as such; because there's nothing anyone can do about it; it is Dr. Campbell's expert assessment of what will happen regardless of policy.
What makes you think capitalism will be any longer-lived than feudalism or monarchism; both of which lived for several hundred years?