BASE727 Well let's look at this stuff here..RC: 'We cannot trust some people who are noncomformists.
BASE727:: I wonder who he is refering to as "nonconformists"? Maybe all of us lefties?
RC: We will make conformists out of them in a hurry...
BASE727:: Does he think we are going to buy his corporate B.S. and line up like mindless sheep?and go "yes sir, no sir, etc" That will be over my dead body.
RK: The organisation cannot trust the individual; the individual
: must trust the organization....': - Ray Kroc, founder, McDonald's Inc.
BASE727::Hey he dosn't trust any of us. Do you think We're going to truct someone like Ray Kroc or anyone else like him.
REX{McSpot}: Says it all, really...
BASE727:: You got that right! Got any other "Corporate Founder's quotes I can tear appart and anylize?