- Capitalism and Alternatives -
A way that must be left behind.
Posted by: Harry ( Uni. of Tasmania, Australia ) on September 30, 1999 at 11:13:13:
In Reply to: Political Wordplay posted by Gee on September 29, 1999 at 16:03:05:

Why conservation is good where conservatism is bad: Conservation is actually a progressive movement. Conservationists wish to reject the old social and economic systems which do so much damage to the world around us and to progress towards a brand new way of life. If you still think that the conservation movement is only about keeping the countryside nice (although I suppose this is still an aspect) then you're probably half a century behind current thinking. Furthermore, most conservationists are not anti-development as such but they are instead against the old fashioned, conservative idea of development - cut it down, dig it up, burn it, build a road through it. In the same way that capitalism and socialism cannot be as neatly defined as they were a century ago, conservatism and progressiveness are no longer what they were at the time of our grandparents.There does need to be a redefinition but we should not let the likes of Tony Blair dictate it to us. Ironically, as far as conservationists are concerned, he represents the old, conservative way of doing things. A way that must be left behind.

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