- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Posted by: Barry Stoller ( Utopia 2000 ) on September 20, 1999 at 03:00:50:
In Reply to: Small question posted by Henry Karlson on September 16, 1999 at 19:33:47:

: Why is it, to protect free trade, one has to go against free trade and squash monopolies.Interesting concept, freedom. Freedom, I think, is perhaps the most promiscuous word in the English language. Freedom to or freedom from? They are not always compatible and freedom is almost never unilateral. Lenin was right when he said 'One cannot live in society and be free from society.' Let us progressives not be drawn into long, meaningless discussions about 'freedom' with liberals (and libertarians): let us ask them---freedom to or freedom from? Everyone, after all, is in favor of 'freedom.'

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