: http://www.it.fairfax.com.au/breaking/922954447.html: true? Or False?
: --
: McSpotlight: It might be an idea to look at the publication date...
: "Published: Thu Apr 1 18:14:07 EST 1999 "...
What's that story?
Man: "Would you commit adultary for a million dollars?"
Young woman: "Sure"
Man: "How about for twenty?"
Young woman: "Twenty!? What do you think I am!?"
Man: "Well we've established that, we're just haggling""
While just about everybody supports the notion of living a principled life, as with growing anything from plants to children, it requires a supportive environment.
Still, Torvald's whole message, as he himself likes to say, is that he receives credit for what others have done. That is, the entire project requires a Very large number of people Organized around an idea. No One person, no matter how brilliant, can create an entire operating system, let alone provide the necessary documentation that is so freely offered by tens of thousands in the 'Free World'.