: It dd sound like a rent-a-republican letter thrown in for the appearance of 'balance', but it was a good letter.Now I've a problem there I've got mates who are joking about me being a member of the 32 county soveriegnity committee (militant pressure group within Sinn Fein) but I dont find it funny I was drafting a letter to represent everyone not the rebels alone they have press officers for that.
: : Machavallian is a good way to describe the unionist elective despotism over here though. It describes my view of government too, I'm libertarian and minarchist but not totally anarchist because I've seen as much good as bad government.
: I thought it would have benefitted from drawing comaprisons between the reactions of the unionists to the leaked details on RUC reform and the IRA decomissioning business. The RUC as the official Armed Wing of Unionism is a solid argument.
The letter was drafted and sent of before that happened it'd have made a good point though.